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Financial Wellness for Employers

Improve Your Company's Bottom Line


of employees say that personal finances are a dis-traction at work


of those employees say that they spend 3 or more hours per week dealing with or thinking about personal finances while at work


of Americans indicate money is a significant source of stress

Reduce Healthcare Costs


of employers indicate that healthcare costs are significantly impacted by worker stress


of employers cite a moderate or significant effect of stress on workplace safety


of people say that finances or lack of money prevent them from living a healthy lifestyle

Increase Employee Loyalty & Commitment


of employees who report satisfaction with their benefits report satisfaction with their job (vs 23% who are very dissatisfied with their benefits) 


of employees who are very satisfied with benefits indicate a very strong sense of loyalty to their employers (vs 24% who are very dissatisfied with benefits)

“Financial stress is a more valid measure than income of predicting absenteeism."1

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“Financial stress can be one of the most difficult kinds of stresses, particularly because people can adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result,”

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